Monday, April 11, 2011


 What just happened?! I now have a room filled with baby stuff! Some things I don't even know what to do with it but Tiff said get it so I did. We spent over 2 hours at Babies R Us on Saturday it was a crazy fun, exhausting and down right unbelievable, we would look at each other and say "I can't believe this is happening"!

I want to remember every moment yet every minute is passing by so fast so excuse me while I reminisce this weekend for our little one:
Friday: Got the CALL! Justin answered the phone because she called me at work and he knew it was her but we didn't know if "B" (birth mother)picked us and then she said it "she really liked your book, and she picked you guys!" Mike & I celebrated @ dinner we went to Outback and didn't sleep a wink thinking about you
Saturday: Bike & run, so hot out 90degrees, breakfast @ First Watch, Babies R Us with Tiff(your aunt), dinner @ P.F Changs where Oma & Opa surprised us with a bottle of wine to celebrate you, there we were graciously given a gift by them that will bring you home!
Sunday: We went to church the message was on GIVING! How appropriate we have been blessed with many family & friends giving with a loving heart because they want you as much as we do! We cleaned my car out from top to bottom ready for your car seat to be installed.I'm not sleeping at all between thinking about you and preparing and thinking about "B" I hope you come quickly!

I don't want to discuss "B" here too much because that is not my right however I want you to know who you are praying for, she was a troubled young girl with other children that she right now can not care for, she is trying to turn her life around just needs some help. She is 39 weeks today. We are ALL praying for you!!!

Here is the part of adoption that is hard the Law, Florida Law states that the birth mom has 48 hours to decide whether she has made the best decision for her child after the signing which is after the birth, so as we sit in suspense keep the FAITH and soon we will have a new little blessing. 

"There is no wisdom, insight, nor plan that can succeed against the Lord" Proverbs 21:30

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