Monday, June 27, 2011

New week, new verse...

Proverbs 19:21

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,  but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. 

 What a great way to start the week with truth and stability knowing that there is a plan for us created just for us by our maker. We have tried and tried and tried to make our own plans only to have them changed, rearranged, and broken down. It was only when we let go and laid it at the cross that the REAL purpose for our life together started taking shape. We changed the way we prayed, thought, and lived and now we are overwhelmed with blessings, we focus our prayers on our birth mom and our baby, we realized we were not in control especially in the adoption process, and we lived for the here and now enjoying our family that God already gave us but God never quits hearing our silent cries. Quietly God works. Be still He told us and know that I AM.


  1. You are so right. God orders our steps. :)

  2. amen! so timely for me today!
    (saw your comment on no.17 and know i am praying for you!!)
