Thursday, May 9, 2013

saying "YES"

I really have to make a conscious effort not to say "no" so much. With two very active toddlers it seems that word has a tendency to fly out of my mouth all day long. I really try to think before I say it. In 1 second I have to process what's going on and if it harmful or hurtful to one another or themselves. When I say No I mean it, sometimes I'm like whoa where did that just come from it definitely gets their attention. However, sometimes I have to realize that they are just toddlers, they are still learning, and fun days make the best memories. I have learned to laugh more, remember that things can easily be cleaned up , and outfits changed. My daughter brought me a stack of CD's (102 Bible songs) she found in the closet. My first thought was what else did you do in the closet? My second thought, as long as it takes me to open and put it in she will be done with it. BUT I remembered what I was trying to accomplish and that is a home full of Jesus and more YES's so I unwrapped it as she watched so carefully, put the disc in and hit play. To her surprise music started playing and she had the biggest grin. The first song that played was "This is my commandment that you love one another" I thought what a perfect song for a brother and sister to learn! The second song that played was "Deep and Wide" what a joy as a mother to teach my children Bible songs songs that I once sang to. It brought tears to my eyes as I watched my daughter try to imitate my hand motions for the song. I lOVE this. I LOVE to say YES. I LOVE being a mother.

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